Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I was supposed to go to Middletown, N.Y. this past Sunday for a lay Carmelite day of recollection.  It didn't work out well though.  Originally I planned to meet Rita at the Perkins in Pittston Township, on Rte. 315.  I got a telephone message from Barbara, though, on Saturday afternoon.  When I called her back to see what she wanted she explained that Rita has been having trouble with her health & would not be available for a while.  I don't know how to get to the exact place in Scranton where we always meet for things like this so I was forced to back out of the trip.  It's fairly easy to get there but I don't have the directions memorized.  Lent is soon to end.  Last night at O.L. Sorrows there was a penance service with individual confessions available.  I made sure I went to  confession.   The men's meetings at O.L. Sorrows' rectory, twice a month, have been working out really well.  Tomorrow night there will be another meeting at St. Anthony's in Exeter.   Spring has been going well so far but yesterday & today have both been too cold.  I like, though, that there has been no ice on my car windows in the morning.  Yesterday was a national day of epilepsy research.  Everyone was supposed to wear purple.  To my chagrin the only purple article of clothing I have is a short sleeved t~shirt.  I was quite cold.  Lately I've been reading a lot of poetry, as well as Thomas Mallory's "Morte D'Arthur", Harold Bloom's "The Western Canon" & Samuel Beckett's trilogy, "Malloy", "Malone Dies" & "The Unnameable".  Because this is a presidential election year people really have to take the HSS Mandate quite seriously & to do all we possibly can to rid the world of Obamacare.  Our First Amendment right to freedom of conscience is literally at stake.  All my activist friends & connections are working to make things happen.  Unfortunately entirely too many of them are liberals so they are working to the detriment of the common good.