Monday, July 13, 2009


The weekend was nice. It was pouring out all night Saturday. Uncle Frankie came over for a little while each day. On Saturday night I watched "The Maltese Falcon" & "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" again. I stayed up entirely too late that night, until past midnight. I couldn't go to the O.L. Mt. Carmel feast because of the miserable weather. My father, Uncle Frankie & I made sure we spent a few hours over there last night though. Even the parking wasn't so bad. I ended up pigging out on the usual soda & beer. The beer was inexpensive so I got two cups. I was afraid to get any more because too much beer makes me sick. I made sure I got a caramel ice cream cone. I also made sure I got my usual share of contest tickets. Of all the people at the feast there were only four, out of everyone I saw, whom I've ever met before. Two were the priests.