Thursday, November 03, 2011
During the first week of last month I went to Rose Chairge's in West Pittston to get a haircut. I was a little afraid to ask her because of the floods up there. Fortunately she didn't have any trouble. The lay Carmelite meeting, a few weeks ago, went quite well. The attendance was exceptionally good. A few people talked about the retreat in Middletown, N.Y. in September. Recently I went to the annual St. Jude novena at O.L. Eucharist Church on Main Street in Pittston Junction. I really like to go there every year. I only missed the first night. One night I went nuts because they put up orange cones to block the parking lot so outsiders couldn't steal spaces. The problem was they kept me out to. Sister Mary Ann explained the circumstances. This month I also needed an oil change. I made an appointment to have Frank Gubbiotti, from Plains, do it. He's on River Road. His place needs lots of repairs because River Road was hit so hard by the flood. I made sure I asked him to help with my odometer too. If I don't get another one by January I shall not pass my inspection. Recently my oldest friend, Earl from Puerto Rico, gave us all such very sad news. His mother recently died. She was always such a very good person when I knew them in Queens. When I went to a recent Guardian of the Redeemer meeting at the Oblate Seminary on 315, last Saturday, there was a bad blizzard that started early in the day. & drove us crazy all day. That's not a good place to have to deal with a snowstorm because the road back & forth to there is so steep.
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
flood. haircut,
Lay Carmelite,
Middletown N.Y.,
Oblates of St. Joseph,
St. Jude novena