Wednesday, September 30, 2009


My hair gets progressively more annoying with each passing day. So does my persistent cough. Like Steve, I seem to get stuck with quite an attack of allergies each year at around this time. October begins tomorrow with the Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower. I've been showing up at her annual novena over at the Maronite church on Loomis St. in Wilkes_Barre. It ends tomorrow. I made sure I got something really nice each day of the bake sale. Lately there's been quite a panic going on over here about the upcoming swine flu epidemic we've been expecting. Eventually we shall all have to get shots. The weather recently alternates among cold, warm, & rainy each day. As usual these days the bridge on Eighth Street is still under construction & traffic is an absolute nightmare because of it.