Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Last night I went to hear a speech at O.L.Mt. Carmel Church on William St. in Pittston. It was given by a really famous woman philosophy/theology professor from Cambridge University in England. There was a really nice supper first, followed by the talk & a question & answer session. I, of course, didn't know anybody there, but that's most certainly never stopped me before. There was a bit of a crowd but somehow it was very comfortable. Who knows how I could possibly have forgotten to mention it? Yesterday's the thirtieth anniversary of the day I got out of high school. Howdy to all my classmates from St. John's. It rained a little last night but lately the weather's been entirely too dry. Nobody's watering his grass or anything for fear of drought. This morning, believe it or not, I took an insanely long walk. I walked down to the levee that's right before the Midway. On top of that I even walked down the path up to the spot that was specifically marked .25 mile. For me, that's most certainly quite an accomplishment. As a result of the heat & strain, I now most probably smell about like hell warmed over.

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