Saturday, June 07, 2008


The weather keeps getting progressively hotter & hotter. As much as I've always enjoyed the heat it can get overwhelming at times. Uncle Frankie came over for a while yesterday. After a while he left to go visit Fran. Mary Anne called last night. After 7:30 Mass this morning I went to the Valero gas station to make sure I got some extra gas. It's about the lowest price in the area these days, a dime lower than most places. I finished my book about Pope Benedict XV yesterday & started "Isabella of Spain by William Thomas Walsh. She's always been one of my very favorite historical figures, a true great among all the significant characters in the history of western culture. As usual, when I went to Mass this morning, at O.L.Mt. Carmel in Pittston, I found a copy of the newspaper, the Wanderer, so I made quite sure I grabbed it. Yesterday I played a little of "Do You Want to Know A Secret?" & a few other Beatle oldies again. I've also remained quite faithful to my promise about the exercise chair lately. I just noticed that Mike Myers & Mini Me have done a remake of Steve Miller's "The Joker". It's on Myspace. I don't have to lector until next weekend. Nobody's called up to ask me to cover any Masses. That's a bit of a surprise.

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