Monday, December 22, 2008


The weather this past weekend was absolutely out of control. Snow & ice came down for most of Saturday & there was another snowfall for a couple of hours yesterday morning. Chet called to tell me the Latin Mass was cancelled. On my way home from 5:00 Mass on Saturday, the traffic was so congested it took me over ten minutes just to get a few hundred feet down Eighth Street. Fran, one of the old neighbors from Lindenhurst, called. It's good to keep up with the gossip from over there. Dennis has been showing me some old pictures from our St. Gabriel's days. There are a few of kids in our fourth grade class with Miss Elsie Petrocelli, our teacher that year. Amazingly, although it's been very many decades since then, I can still recoginze most of the faces. There are also a few pictures on the site of faculty & other classes. This morning one of the church ladies gave me a can of home baked cookies for Christmas. She does a lot of baking each Christmas for people.

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