Friday, January 25, 2008


Monday is my mother's seventy fifth birthday so today Mary Anne, Steve, Sam & Bridget are coming in for tomorrow's big party. Unfortunately, Michael's not available. He has to go to school. All the local kin are expected. The weather was particularly cold this morning so I was forced to warm up the car for a few extra minutes. Yesterday there was only the slightest little bit of snow. Lately, besides the Citizen's Voice, I've been getting other papers too. Yesterday I got the N.Y. Times again & today I got the N.Y. Daily News. The News was always a very familiar fixture in my old neighborhood when I was a kid in Queens. It pays to keep track of differing points of view. I've been trying to keep up with things as conscientiously as possible lately. Yesterday I read quite a bit more of that Flannery O'Connor book. I've already read it a few times before anyway. It always pays to re read these books at least a few times. That's the best way to get the gist of things.

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