Wednesday, April 08, 2009


To my undying chagrin & insatiable disgust, it snowed for a little while this morning. Spring is here in name alone. Yesterday I went to Turkey Hill in Exeter for a full tank of gas & a half gallon_I got two quarts_of one per cent milk. I wanted two per cent but made a bit of a mistake. Gas prices have gone up a bit lately. After I left Turkey Hill I went over to the Dollar Store at the Midway in Wyoming to get some AA batteries. Jennifer's little daughter, Olivia Lynn, was born this morning. Congratulations to all the relevant kin. Now we are on the verge of the Paschal Triduum. Holy Thursday is tomorrow, followed by Good Friday, Holy Saturday & Easter. The Easter Season, starting Sunday, goes on for a full fifty days. I wish people would stop saying that "Happy Holidays" garbage. "Happy Easter" is absolutely the only acceptable thing to say. Today the library's parking lot was filled when I first showed up so I was forced to park in the Methodist church's parking lot next door.

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