Thursday, July 12, 2007


Alas, yet a whole nother significant 60's icon has bitten the dust. As with Gerald R. Ford, who was born the very same year as she, Lady Bird Johnson, wife of Landslide Lyndon, the thirty sixth U.S. president, she just never seemed to want to get it over with. Today I walked two & a half miles & cut the grass. It's a wonder I can still walk & chew gum at the same time after all that strain, but I am improving. Eddie's Beatle thingy doesn't work on my CD player so I shall have to ask the librarian for help. There was a crowd at the library when I first showed up today so I was kept waiting for a while. It's a very nice sunny day out today. Yesterday it was raining & miserable. My father & I went over to Aunt Ann's because she wanted to get rid of all Uncle Joe's old clothers. I'll say one thing for him. He was most certainly quite the dapper dresser. Java & Nunziata are still around.

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