Tuesday, July 10, 2007


The long, hot arduous trip is finally & at last over with. I've never liked traffic & heat but it all worked out quite well. Yesterday I spent the day working with Steve in his shed, even though all he really did was clean up & move tons of old stuff around. I pretty much ended up helping with only relatively little things. The weather then, as now, was unbearably hot. I took a walk for a while over into the direction of Rockville Centre & got as far as the Blockbuster on their main street. I considered going to the beach but the lights & traffic got me paranoid. Besides that, I made sure I checked my e mail & played the guitar. I was quite surprised a couple of days ago when I made sure I took a smidge of each of the different kinds of hooch. Sometimes I get nightmarishly violently sick from just a brewski or two, especially in all that heat. This time around, though, I did quite well & got absolutely no trouble whatsoever. Michael, Sam & Bridget have most certainly turned out to be quite an interesting bunch of characters. They've been really busy with friends, school(not now because it's summer) & everything else that goes with being a young un.

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