Tuesday, May 06, 2008


This morning I mowed the lawn. It was very dull but at least it was over with fast. Instead of mowing up & down this time I went from left to right. Uncle Frankie came over last night. He gave my parents a cake for their anniversary. Fran called. Mary Anne & family also called & even sent flowers. I'm not absolutely positive of when but I know they'll be coming in for a visit within the next couple of weeks. Having seen, yesterday, that my facial stubble was getting more than a smidge stupid looking, I made sure I shaved. Lately I make sure I try to shave practically every day but sometimes I cheat a little & let it go for a few days at a time. I noticed in the jobs section of the Citizen's Voice yesterday that the Carmelite Manor will be having a job fair on Thursday. I'll be going just in case they have something available for me. I'm used to going over there once a month for Carmelite meetings anyway. The weather's been very nice lately but I overheard the library people say it may start raining pretty soon. I've gotten that impression too. I finished that Chekhov play again last night. I shall have to start another one pretty soon too. I've also been reading St. Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises.

1 comment:

Yesha Gee said...

hello, just visiting! Nice blog... hope to see you around. *blog hop*
