Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Officially spring is here, but lately the weather has been begrudging us any warmth although it's not raining or snowing. My father went to the doctor yesterday. His arthritis is out of control. As always lately the phone rang off the hook. Among others, Mary Anne & Aunt Lauren both called. For some reason, the Citizen's Voice machine over on Sixth Street was empty this morning. I usually like to get it over there instead of Unimart on Tuesdays & Thursdays. I went food shopping Sunday & yesterday. Yesterday, besides more food, I ended up getting a book of stamps because I needed one for my Knights of Columbus dues. On Sunday I inadvertently ended up getting a head of Savoy cabbage. It's one of the best kinds but it's more expensive than average cabbage. Yesterday I finished re_reading "Vile Bodies" & made sure I got back to the very large book I have about Marxism. I have to read books like that because I have a hard time keeping up with all my left wing egghead connections if I don't at least understand their currents of thought.

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