Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Technically it's still summer but it often feels like autumn, especially this morning. Uncle Frankie showed up for a while yesterday. One of the topics of conversation was about how New Yorkers have to pay so much more for driver's licenses than we do. Ha!Ha! Tonight's meeting at O.L. Mt. Carmel, in Pittston, is cancelled because Lynn's not available. The Hoyt Library opened for business as of Monday so it shouldn't be so crowded around here anymore. Today's the day I turn fifty. Now I get to see what it's like to be one of those people I'd always gawked at as a kid. Everybody's been rubbing it in. This morning I got a bunch of really nice candies in the mail from my cousin Vinnie in North Carolina. Maybe we shall be going to N.Y. to see Mary Anne & family over the weekend but I'm not positive. I still haven't gotten my much needed haircut.