Monday, September 14, 2009


The weather was extremely bad this weekend. Saturday was rainy & dreary all day. Yesterday I lectored at 10:30 Mass. It was the first weekend of the new schedule at O.L. Sorrows. Fr. Marchetti is back from his vacation. So is our librarian. Last night was our first meeting of the new year for the Holy Name Society. There was a lot of the usual arguing that goes into meetings like that. Fr. Marchetti showed up. Among other things they decided that this year's spaghetti dinner will be around the beginning of November. At the end we ate steak & cheese sandwiches. I also ate one pepper too many. I ate a dark green pepper that turned out to be extremely seriously hot. It took me quite a while to get rid of the hot kick it left in my mouth. I also drank a beer. This weekend, on "Entertainment Tonight" Mary Hart entertained Beatles Paul & Ringo as well as John Lennon's & George Harrison's widows. Everyone is talking about the Fab Four again because of all their new activity. My cousin Elaine recently sent out a very nice e mail. Her daughter Stacy & her daughter_in_law Wendy are both pregnant.