Thursday, September 24, 2009


Uncle Frankie showed up for a while yesterday, but I wasn't around at the time. The weather this morning, when I first left, was more than a smidge on the depressing side. After a little while, though, it seemed to have gotten much better. The annual St. Therese novena, at the Maronite church in Wilkes_Barre, started yesterday. Unfortunately I missed the first day. I found out about it while watching TV. I'll be showing up for most of the remaining days though. I try to go each year. Mary Anne & her family will be showing up on Saturday for the big birthday party. It promises to be a really nice time. I'm still reading those Carmelite books & practicing my guitar. One of these days I shall have to get an oil change for my car. It runs well but I don't want to take any big chances with it.