Monday, June 16, 2008


There was a bit of a drizzle this morning but the weather's quite typical now. It's nice & warm. The computers are down over in Wyoming so I'm now at the Hoyt Library. I'm used to Wyoming but this one's really nice too. The weekend went quite well. I practiced a lot of Beatle oldies with my guitar yesterday. I haven't bothered to get the strings changed in very many years or to tune it lately so it sounds quite awful but it works out well enough. My fingers go crazy trying to stretch on songs like "Dear Prudence". Yesterday I made sure I read more of that book about Queen(potentially Saint) Isabella. Summer's only a few days away. Spring & summer have always been my very favorite seasons. I lectored at 5:00 Mass on Saturday & all went predictably well. Mary showed up. There was no trouble. Mary Anne & kids called up yesterday for Father's day. Maria called my mother late last night. Everything seems to be going quite well with the Massapequa crowd lately. Larry's birthday is coming up in another five days. I went to see Dr. Radzwilka for a 9:45 appointment. It never hurts to have the occasional check up. My hay fever cough's still been driving me crazy but I'm in very good health otherwise. Fran called. From what I've heard Uncle Frankie's supposed to come back home tomorrow. He's most certainly been gone for quite a long time.

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