Saturday, August 16, 2008


This morning's Carmelite meeting went quite well. Amazingly, ten people showed up, including Theresa who's just moved into town from Middletown, N.Y. She showed up at a meeting a few months ago. Little did we know she'd ever be back. We now have a new name, Our Lady of the Mountain, for our fraternity. I'm having more than a slightly difficult time of things, of course, being our new formation director. I lectored at 5:00 Mass yesterday but they couldn't find anyone to help me. Uncle Frankie & my parents went to Mass at noon yesterday for Aunt Mary Theresa over at St. John the Evangelist in Pittston. Yesterday I practiced my guitar for a while. By now it's not even the least bit hard to keep up the habit anymore. I just take it entirely for granted at this rate. Happy twentieth birthday to my goddaughter Kristy Nicole in North Tonawanda, N.Y. She's cousin Mary Ellen's daughter. She & my nephew Michael, who's her age, are both my godchildren. His birthday will be next week. Unfortunately I ate yet more junk food yesterday & last night. Pop Tarts & nuts aren't really all that good for me but they can both be quite annoyingly addicting when they're around.

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