Friday, June 22, 2007


KrissyKrissyKrissy's back today. I got kicked out of here early yesterday so at first I went to West Pittston's library. They were entirely too crowded so I went to Pittston. Everything worked out. It's time to do the Friday dance. The Fourth of July is getting ever so much closer by the second. Most of the Buffalo gang, I think, will be showing up. Michael & Anthony will not be there though. Richie & the young uns will be there, but we shall not see Tammy. That's all I can guarantee. Tomorrow morning, bright & early at 9:00 a.m.,I shall have to be at St. Joseph's for the lector training course. It only takes three hours. I could swear I saw, on channel 12, that they'll be charging $15 for it but so far I have no idea. I see the Vatican recently came up with Ten Commandments for drivers.

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