Saturday, May 03, 2008


Other than a spring shower late in the day on Thursday the weather's been nice lately. Mornings are cool & the rest of the day's nice & warm. Things have been going by quite calmly these days. Unfortunately Karen still needs quite a whole lot of attention. Everybody's been most certainly keeping extremely close track of her. Yesterday I read more of that book of essays by John Henry Cardinal Newman. My father & Uncle Frankie didn't go to a game last night. I don't have any idea of exactly what their schedule is for that kind of a thing. This weekend I don't have to lector at Mass. I usually end up going to 5:00 Mass on Saturday on weekends like this. I just got gas this morning over in Pittston. The prices around here these days are absolutely obscene. I got a copy of the Wanderer newspaper today. There's an article about Obama in it that describes how his fans are a lot like people in the sixties who wanted change at all costs & didn't care about history, progress, consequences or any other circumstances. The author cited Bernardine Dohrn & the radical left wing organization the Weathermen as the most notorious of Obama's precursors. I shall have to go back to the paper later to see exactly what it says. I just read in the Citizen's Voice yesterday that Davy Jones of the Monkees is going to be coming to Wilkes Barre pretty soon.

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