Friday, April 17, 2009


I just found out this past week that tomorrow is Laura's birthday though I've conveniently forgotten exactly which one. She's cousin Mark's wife. Unfortunately they live over in New York so I hardly ever get a chance to see them. While I'm on the subject, happy birthday this month to Sean, Angus Italo, Aunt Norma, Liz & Tony too. Uncle Frankie showed up yesterday but I wasn't around at the time. As far as I know everything worked out as well as ever. As always, I'm still pigging out on Easter candy. It's getting quite seriously annoying by now. Cousin Noreen recently went to a wine tasting at Martini Beach. I don't know if the name of the place was intentionally chosen that way or not. Tomorrow, I have to lector at 5:00 Mass. The new schedules were in the rectory last weekend so I made sure I got mine. At least the weather is still gradually improving. Today seems, so far, to be quite a nice day.

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