Friday, November 27, 2009


Today is Black Friday. Do as big of a Friday dance as you want, maybe a turkey trot. Just think twice about going shopping. I absolutely dread the crowds people have to put up with at these times. Thanksgiving worked out quite well yesterday. Uncle Frankie & Fran both showed up. Mary Anne & family were here too. Today's my cousin Michelle's birthday. She's a bit younger than I. We ate quite a large meal yesterday, complete with dessert. As always I made the coffee. It was just entirely too fattening. Steve & I took a walk over the bridge yesterday although we didn't cross it completely. Nobody's ever liked that bridge. He wanted to see how all the construction work has been coming along for the new one. Amazingly that was the first time I've ever walked on it. As always, Steve, the boys & I've been playing guitar. All the kids are doing quite well. Steve & Mary Anne went out at 7:00 this morning to go shopping. My cousin Mary Ellen sent me a really nice card reminding me of all the nice times we used to have in Buffalo on Thanksgiving.