Monday, December 21, 2009


I watched "Into Great Silence" & "It Happened One Night" on Saturday night. I've seen them each a couple of times before. Unfortunately I ended up staying up until around midnight because "Into Great Silence" is so long. Christmas beckons. It's only four days away. Mary Anne & family won't be coming in unless the weather's nice enough. They called on the phone a few times over the weekend. Aunt Lauren & my mother went shopping yet again on Saturday. My father has a doctor's appointment at 1:30 this afternoon. Uncle Frankie's supposed to take him. He'll be allowed, in a couple of days, to get back to his normal routine. There was a big snowstorm on Saturday night but it didn't amount to much compared to what we were threatened with. I spent around five minutes outside shoveling yesterday. I pushed the snow off the cars' windows too. On Saturday, at Mass, Fr. Marchetti said he's leaving the parish next month because of health trouble. He's only been here since the summer.