Saturday, March 03, 2007

Thought For the Day

"If the nose of Cleopatra had been shorter, the whole face of the earth would have been changed." Hey, technically I stole that from another blogger, but he stole it from Blaise Pascal's Pensees anyway. Leave it to those young 17th century Jansenists to think like that. Warm as it's been getting lately, the snow_because it's even more ice, I reckon_has yet to melt much. Since it's time for yet another first Saturday, I suppose Msgr. Hamilton's crowd got together today for Mass & continental breakfast over at O.L.P.H. Over there I managed to get to know all the local yokels but here I'm still running on quite a shortage of connections. KrissyKrissyKrissy is back in N.Y. for a family death. St. Patrick's Day's coming up & the decorations are going up all over the place. I've always liked St. Patrick's Day, being an Irishman as I am. I even met RFK at the big parade one year.

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