Monday, June 02, 2008


Yesterday was the first day of June. My weekend was as uneventful as I'd expected it to be. At 5:00 Mass on Saturday Frank got me to help with ushering. Chet got me to help with ushering at the 4:30 Latin Mass yesterday too. Uncle Frankie showed up for a while each day. Dave came over to help with the yard. Mary Anne called. All's been going well over there these days. My mother called Fran yesterday. Fran got a very violent headache on Saturday. Unfortunately, I know only too well by now exactly how she must have felt. At least she took some medication in time for it all to go away fairly soon. It rained sporadically on Saturday including both morning & evening thunderstorms. That must have been why Fr. Walsh ended Mass so soon. Usually I end up not getting home until after six o'clock. Today's very nice & warm though. As always I've been reading & watching very little TV except my usual stuff. I found an ad in the paper yesterday. The Red Cross over in the Hanover Industrial Park is looking for phlebotomists. I shall have to check into it. Within about a month, all the kinfolk will be showing up over at Hilldale. Until recently it all seemed so far away. It seems even weirder than ever for me now that it's only two miles away instead of two states away. Of course, I'm fully expecting it to turn out to be its inevitable mixed bag of nuts. This morning, as I was sitting in my car in the parking lot at O.L.Sorrows a bee got in through the window. I can't stand those disgusting things. That's just one of the minor disadvantages of nice warm weather.

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