Thursday, May 21, 2009


Yesterday turned out to be quite a typically droll day. Unfortunately Steve is still ill. I hope he's better for his birthday tomorrow. Uncle Frankie came over. As usual his visit wasn't terribly eventful, just a typical time. Today is Ascension Thursday so everybody has to make sure he gets a chance to show up at Mass sooner or later. It's a holy day of obligation. The meeting I was supposed to attend last night was cancelled so I ended up showing up at 7:00 Mass at O.L. Sorrows. Mary, who was officially supposed to lector, didn't show up so Howard grabbed me at the very last minute. I'm still reading all those books. I have to make sure I keep looking into the kinds of things they cover because I always seem to run into people who are very knowledgeable about certain things & who want to carry on big intense conversations. Under those circumstances everyone has to make quite sure he's prepared to think fast.