Saturday, December 01, 2007


Hello & welcome to December. Advent starts tomorrow & there are only twenty four days left until Christmas. I still miss Christmas in N.Y. but O_bla_di O_bla_da life goes on bra/la la how the life goes on. The weather, so far this morning, has been bitter cold but at least there's no ice or fog. Tonight's the night of my high school class's thirtieth reunion. I can't go because of confusion about my jury duty. I should most certainly hope all my old buds have quite a jolly good time. I always managed to make it to all the other ones but this one got a little out of hand because of that one technical detail. I was always such an interesting teen ager. Of all the people in my class the ones I got to know have always claimed I was always entirely too much of a cut_up & the ones I didn't know have always claimed I was pathologically quiet, shy & intorverted. I'm still hoping that means I'm somewhere in the middle. Yesterday, I finished "The Professor & the Madman". I'm still reading "War & Peace" though. I suppose I shall continue my usual practice of starting another one right away. Tonight I shall be at O.L. Sorrows to lector at 5:00 p.m. Mass. Next week I have to lector again. Uncle Frankie's back up on his feet but he's very much slowed down lately & hasn't been coming over or calling anywhere near as much as he usually does.

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