Monday, August 24, 2009


The annual Tomato Festival in Pittston went well. It rained a little yesterday but not too much. I spent at least an hour over there each day. Uncle Frankie came over for a while yesterday. He didn't know it but yesterday was the last day of the festival. Never having eaten at the Cafe Olivia, on Broad Street in Pittston, I was a little curious about what their food tasted like. They had a stand at the festival so I got something there. I made sure I got a chicken cacciatore sandwich with onion ragu & lots of tomatoes. It turns out that ragu, like the famous brand name, is just another name for a kind of sauce. It was entirely too sloppy & I should have eaten it with a fork but it was very good. My nephew Michael called yesterday. It was his twenty first birthday. He got a chance to talk to us all, including Uncle Frankie. It was also Goosiegirl's birthday. She's an internet friend. Another internet friend, Eberdeen, had a baby boy over in England. My mother spoke to both Aunt Lauren & Fran on the phone yesterday.